Christina Simos

Christina Simos
Say what again . . .

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's Yes, We Can - Not Yes, He Can

One man can't change politics as usual by himself and what idiot believed Obama could change an f*d up system in one year? Let’s get real. Did we all forget what he walked into?

When he came here the economy was in shambles. Wall Street tanked. Banks were bankrupt. Jobs were non-existent. People were losing their homes left and right. Gas was so expensive; people were turning to public transportation. This was before he took office.

How quickly we forget George Bush and his fellow Republicans who outsourced jobs, started a war we should never have been in and basically stepped on Middle America, the poor and under-represented folks like cockroaches for eight years. How quickly we forget that we went from a 208 billion dollar surplus under former President Bill Clinton to a trillion dollar deficit in eight years. How quickly we forget that it was people spending beyond their means and not taking any action to stop the bleeding that helped bring this economy to its knees.

It was a grassroots effort that got Obama into office. It’ll be a grassroots effort from the people that will make the real change happen. The strength of our union relies on us people getting up and taking action. One man can’t do it alone and he shouldn’t be made to. It was “yes, we can,” not yes, he can.

What do I worry about? I worry about healthcare because I have none and I pay $125 a month to make sure my son is taken care of. I worry about credit card rates because we were late one time and now our percentage rate is 24.99 %. We have had our small business for a year and can’t get credit because the banks aren’t lending the money we bailed them out with.

I worry about education. I am sickened with the fact that our state spends more money on prisons than schools. Right now the Los Angeles Unified School District is trying to cut Arts programs from its core curriculum. No drama, no visual art/arts classes, theater, dance or music. They are even looking at cutting athletic programs too because they have a 500 million dollar deficit. So our children pay for the greed of corporate America and the fact that only a portion of CA residents pay taxes. Yeah, I said it. I also agree that no one should go broke because they chose to go to college. My husband owes so much in student loans. It’s fundamentally wrong.

We need a damn revolution. Action, action and more action needs to take place. It’s not easy but we have someone in office ready to fight for us and he will fail if we don’t fight side-by-side with him for what we voted him in to do.

We have to do more than write our congressmen, senators and representatives. Maybe we need to have a million person “Cut your Crap in Congress” march. We need to send letters or Facebook message pages to all the rest of those douche bags in Congress that think the same ole, same ole is okay and tell them it’s not.

Either way, we need to support our President. He’s fighting for us. I want him to win. He can’t be right a 100 percent of the time. He will make mistakes. He’ll falter. He may even fall. I, for one, will be there to help pick him up and dust him off.

This man gave me my dreams back. You can’t quantify that and though I may never see my 40 acres and a mule - I still operate under yes, we can. Yes, we should and yes, we will.

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