Christina Simos

Christina Simos
Say what again . . .

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Problem Isn't Racism


Today I watched this two-hour discussion on MSNBC about Obama's first year, race and politics. It's interesting to watch people dance around discrimination, stereotypes, racism. I've had a view of racism from both sides. Black folk thought I was too light. White folk thought I was too black. I always felt like an outsider looking in.

The fact is, racism exists. Just because we have a Half-Rican American president doesn't mean we have absolved ourselves of our past. It just means that we are moving forward. Slowly. It means we get to have conversations among all races about race, about our history, about our prejudices. Each race has its own stereotypes. Behind closed doors we all talk about each other. Now we get to do it openly and because of that we have a chance to change. We have a chance to ask ourselves why we think and believe the way we do. How do we make it better?

For me, racism is ignorance. If you really want to make it right, fix this broke ass educational system. That is where the problem and the solution lies. We need equal access to education. Equal access to the tools and skills needed to be successful, happy human beings. Everyone has a gift. A reason for being here and until we have the opportunity to explore what that is - these issues will be around like plastic in the landfills.

I have a dream that one day all children will have an opportunity to be whatever they want to be. I have a dream that one day I'll have a hand in changing the way we educate our youth. I have a dream that one day we will look at each other as brothers and sisters, human beings, people just trying to find their way in this world. Until then, I work. I pray. I hope.

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