Christina Simos

Christina Simos
Say what again . . .

Friday, March 25, 2011

2 days . . . To Let Go and Let God

I've realized something these past two weeks. This all comes down to trusting that I've done the work, the Universe is working with me and that I can trust the people in my life.

I can trust the people in my life. I can trust that I've done the work. I can trust. I simply don't use those words lightly. To have gone through what I've gone through in my life and to be able to trust, is truly a miracle. I am incredibly grateful.

I have the best people in my life. I am still afraid to trust on some level but I don't let fear rule me. I am taking that leap of faith and I am letting the chips fall where they may. Otherwise, what do I have? If I'm always second guessing what you do, where is the growth? How do we move onward and upward?

One thing I've learned is that I don't do style very well. Lol. Goldie and my bestie will tell you that. What I love about them is that they tell me the truth, in emails, phone calls and texts. "What the ?" Don't EVER wear THAT!

You need people to tell you the truth. Today my mentor/friend Ida gave me a beautiful necklace and words of encouragement. She sent me a song that brought me to tears. This is my moment. These people really love me and it's okay. No matter what happens, I'm happy. I haven't self-destructed. I've worked my ass off and in my heart I know that my life is going to change.

Only time will tell how.

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