Christina Simos

Christina Simos
Say what again . . .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Putting People on Blast

Things that make you go hmmm . . .
Seeing a big sign on a hotel that boasts, "Clean Rooms." Shouldn't that be just a given? That's like putting up a sign at a restaurant that say, "No Roaches Here." Makes you wonder why exactly they had to post that.

Mark Cuban is a Douche
Whose a douche? There's a douche. No matter how you look at; Dallas Mavericks Owner and HDNet Channel owner Mark Cuban is a douche. He wants to exploit Mr. Sheen with a reality show. I know we all laugh at Charlie Sheen but the truth of the matter is, he is a very sick man who is killing himself with drugs and alcohol. He has kids and a family who love him and are watching this very public incomprehensible demoralization with the kind of pain you don't wish on anyone.

Think about it.

Would we be parading around a cancer survivor or someone with a deadly disease, looking for the next sound bite, if we knew they were going to die? What's up with that? Mark Cuban, you are a schmuck. Taking advantage of a man who has clearly lost his marbles for ratings and cash, is why America has fallen down the moral scale, unseemingly able to get up.

Freedom Revolution
Gas prices are skyrocketing because of the freedom revolution going on in the Middle East. In less than a month, gas has risen about 33 cents a gallon. President Obama is thinking about dipping into our reserves to help with the rising cost of gas. How bout we stop driving gas guzzlers, carpool and take other means of transportation?

Maybe if we had listened to Al Gore and started pushing for more hybrid and electric vehicles, people wouldn't have to eBay their next of kin or take out a third mortgage on the house they still can't find the job to pay the rent for, to fill up their tank. Thank you again Mr. Bush, for allowing companies to outsource our livelihoods to people we can't even understand on the phone.

No More Fingerpointing
People continue to point fingers at Obama, like he is some sort of magician and the state of the nation is his fault. He walked into a disaster zone. He has been doing his best to make sure people are able to feed their families while they assessed the severity of the situation. The situation being a bunch of greedy ass corporations, Republicans, banks and one Bernie Madoff who lied, cheated and stole our futures, our pasts and are wreaking havoc on our present because they don't have a conscious.

They are unwilling to share what is rightfully ours. The American Dream. They gave it away to the highest bidder - China for the most part. It may be soon that we to, take a stand at our state and national capitals and effectively kick their asses out. Let Obama do the job we voted him in to do. Those people in Congress, trying to eliminate money from teachers, education, unions, programs like Planned Parenthood and the list goes on, are not representing me. They are bunch of cockblockers, no different than Muammar Gaddafi, the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Osama Bid Laden or Fidel Castro. They don't care about us.

I'm glad the folks in Wisconsin are up in arms. Stay strong. The Freedom Revolution is here and many of us are sick and damn tired of not being able to fulfill our dreams because we are struggling to feed our families. I said it over ten years ago and I'll say it again until I don't have.

The time for talk is over.